They arrived on Thursday evening September 8th. We had a quiet dinner and visit and hit the sack early.
Friday we woke up to beautiful sunshine. We spent a leisurely morning and then piled into the car to head for Peggy's Cove.
Hello again from Peggy's Cove
Pounding surf
Four guys at the beach
I don't think I could ever get tired of the beautiful scenes all around the Cove
Unlike our first visit to Mahone Bay this time I got in the right place to get a picture of all three churches. They were beautiful.
The three churches of Mahone Bay
Then off to Lunenberg. This is another place that is just so beautiful and so much fun.
Picturesque home in Lunenberg
Lots of hanging flowers
The Jones' ready for serious ship building
One big ship under construction
Lunenberg across the bay
The grandkids would have liked this crazy bird who stayed for a very long time just hanging out on this buoy. They also would have liked Theodore Tugboat.
After grabbing lunch from a stand we went to the Maritime Museum and especially enjoyed the exhibits on the crash of the Titanic and on the great explosion in the Halifax Bay in 1918. The exhibits were so well done and we learned quite a bit of history. After we left the museum we walked through a ship that was docked nearby. It was really interesting.
We next headed to Point Pleasant Park for a nice stroll then back to the apartment for a quiet evening of visiting and catching up.
Sunday we had a quiet morning then off to church at 1:00 pm. Although the Temple was closed for cleaning while the Jones' were here, they at least got to see the outside and the grounds.
No session this time
Randy and Janet lakeside
Let's pull, pull, pull
Look Mom, no hands!!
They seemed to be okay as we walked away.
Eastern Passage shops
Randy getting a lay of the land
Lots of sad fishing tales here
Digging for clams
Two red heads on the beach
Whoops! I forgot to bring a towel
Happy beach combers