Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sisters, Sisters.

Since our mission in Mexico City where we worked only with Sister missionaries, we have had a special place in our hearts for the sisters.

Sisters in Mexico getting ready for Santa

Therefore when we were invited to join with President and Sister Simpson and our 12 lovely sister missionaries in a "Sisters' Conference" on June 21st, we were very excited. It began that Tuesday evening at the Mission Home where we met for a wonderful dinner prepared by Sister Simpson. There were four of the sisters from the far reaches of the mission whom we hadn't yet met, so that was really fun. It was delightful being in the company of such beauty, energy and spirituality.

The sisters just after arriving. It was hard to keep them quiet for a minute for a picture.

After dinner we sat around the table and talked and laughed and learned. At first President Simpson had them tell stories about funny experiences with door approaches. There were some pretty crazy ones. His own story topped them all though when he told of a missionary companion of his in England, who threw a Book of Mormon in the door as they were leaving after the husband wanted to listen but the wife turned them away. That man later became a stake president. We don't know what happened to the wife. After the funny stories the President opened it up to scriptural questions and that started a discussion on the Second Coming. He taught some beautiful teachings from Ezekiel about the temple in Jerusalem. We all felt well fed physically and spiritually.

Delicious dinner

The two token Priesthood holders

About 9 pm we headed home to let the Simpsons deal with the late night laughter. About an hour later Elder Foley received a call from the President asking him to help administer a Priesthood blessing to one of the sisters who had fallen ill. Fortunately she was fully recovered by the next morning when we arrived back at the Mission Home to join the group in breakfast burritos and fresh fruit. Everyone was bright eyed and ready to leave for the Temple right after we ate.

Yummy Breakfast!

What a thrill it was to see all of our sisters dressed in white sitting in the temple.! They were so happy to be there and so happy to be together. Some of them were meeting each other for the first time as well.

On the Temple grounds

After the temple we headed back to the mission home for another great meal then piled in two vans, driven by our two priesthood leaders and off we went to Peggy's Cove. We have written about Peggy's Cove before but can never say too much about how beautiful it is!! The sisters had a great time hamming it up and admiring the beauty. We old folks just relaxed and tried to take it all in.

Road to Peggy's Cove

First glimpse of the lighthouse

Hamming it up!

Trying to stay on the rock

Time to contemplate

President and Sister Simpson and beauty all around

Now THIS is nice!

Doesn't that look inviting?

And this?

After spending almost two hours at the cove we headed off in search of Lunenberg, a beautiful coastal town, and ice cream (the store at the cove wasn't open!!). We had not been to Lunenberg before and were in for a very pleasant surprise. The drive there was amazing as well. The trees so beautiful and wild lupines growing thick all along the side of the road. We were going too fast with no place to stop to get a good picture but this may give you some idea.

And then we reached Lunenberg!!!

What can you say?

We would love to be on that boat

Do you think they are having fun?

Our ship is in port

Look closely and you will see a few sisters ready to jump

We finally found our ice cream

mmmmmmmmmmm good!

After leaving Lunenberg we drove a short distance to Mahone Bay. This bay is famous for having three churches lined up next to the bay. There are many paintings of these three churches. Unfortunately we could not get in a location where we could get all three in one picture, so the effect is lost. We did enjoy seeing them and seeing the bay.

The three churches

End of a long beautiful day

We soon were headed back to town with some very sleepy sisters in our car. We arrived at the Mission Home about 9 pm and there was another wonderful dinner waiting, thanks to Joann, a sweet lady who helps Sister Simpson. We opted out, however, and after a good night and good bye to the sisters and the Simpsons we headed home to bed and memories of a great couple of days.

Post Script:

Two weeks after Sisters' Conference we experienced what we are sure will be one of the highlights of our mission, attending the baptism of a family of six taught the gospel by two of our lovely sister missionaries. They first found them by knocking on doors.

Sister Hudson, The Fall family, Sister Lorenc

The happy Dad and Mom


  1. Your pictures honestly look like postcards. I love it so much! I can't wait to come see some of these places in person.

  2. I can just imagine how much fun it was for all those sister missionaries to get to meet each other and spend that time together and with you guys in those beautiful places! I absolutely love the pictures and that's so neat about the family getting baptized!

  3. What a beautiful place you are in. It looks cold from the pictures, but very beautiful. I think the cute family that was baptized is awesome. I am very grateful that you are on a mission and that we are getting the blessings from it. You are both very cute parents.

    Love Patrick

  4. I guess my dear daughter's friend Kaytlin was logged into my computer. I really do love you, but maybe Kaytlin does as well.

    Love Patrick
